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Things cultured code forum free.The all-new Things

  December 26, AM. It is a rewrite of Things. As a software development team lead for several teams I tend to not things cultured code forum free able to get away from silos. I think some myself included tend toward thinking that an app is going привожу ссылку save us, when it is really finding a workflow and sticking to it that is likely the true answer.  

- Things cultured code forum free


Bartek Bargiel is an amazing person. He - a professional Java developer - became interested in the Mac and decided to learn what developing for the Mac is like. Early on, we were very impressed by what he did. Even though he had a demanding day job, he was doing this all on his spare time. Yet iGTD had more features than Things did!

Imagine our surprise when we discovered that Bartek was working for a company in Stuttgart - the very city where our office is based! We had to meet him However, he managed to stop by our office a few months later.

The guy who would eventually step through our front door turned out to be one of things cultured code forum free nicest, most likable people you could imagine.

But before we met in person, Bartek let us know that he liked Things so much that he switched to it as his main task management application. And that he also decided to stop developing iGTD and recommend Things to his users instead. Insert sounds of heads exploding. We things cultured code forum free speechless. We were literally speechless. Of course we wanted him as a member of Перейти Code! When we finally met him, he told us that developing iGTD completely on his own had become somewhat of a /10758.txt and that he would much rather work together with a team.

What a wonderful coincidence. We knew we wouldn't let him go, ever! Bartek has since decided to quit his daytime job and come join us instead! Right now, he is in the process of helping his successor at his old company culturer up to speed. I'm pleased to say that Things 1. He also requested that we give free Things licenses to everyone who donated to iGTD, and we were very happy to oblige!

Everyone who donated will receive an email with one or more free Things licenses, making sure that the value of licenses will things cultured code forum free the amount of money donated. We are releasing our Things 1. Our main goal for 1. For many supported applications, it allows you to quickly create a task with information already filled in for you. For example, in Safari, a task is created with a link to the currently viewed page added to the notes section of the to-do. With the help of Bartek, we have now integrated his Things cultured code forum free trick into our Quick Entry dialog.

You can download it from our Wiki. Please also read the following article dree more details on what is new in Things 1. He was instrumental for providing our AppleScript support in Things 1. Thank you Bartek! Here is a quick overview forun the new features:. Things now also integrates with Spotlight and is fully codw into 6 languages : English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, как сообщается здесь Russian.

Plus, with the upcoming release of Snow Leopard, we have also made sure that Things runs smoothly on the new OS. Finally, we have added plug-ins for the most popular application launchers things cultured code forum free as LaunchBar, Quicksilver, and Google Quick Search Box.

Please refer to this wiki page for more details on how you can download and install them. Imagine the following scenario: You receive an email from a friend asking you to buy some items for his party.

Previously, if you wanted to add that information to Things, you would invoke the Quick Entry dialog by pressing the system-wide keyboard shortcut. You would enter a task title and then copy over the items you need to buy for the party into the notes section.

In this case you would have to drag and drop the email into the notes section as well. As you can see, this process is quite involved and cumbersome. This is exactly what Quick Entry Autofill does! With his help, we have now implemented an even better version of it for Things. If you go to the Things application preferences, you can see that there is now a second system-wide keyboard shortcut you can specify:.

The Quick Entry Autofill feature behaves similarly in many other applications: it copies the currently selected text into the notes of the to-do things cultured code forum free adds a link that is useful in the current context. In Finder, it will create links to currently selected files. And in Pages, it will create a link to the currently edited document. Please note: After you launch Things 1. Also, note that for applications which do not support AppleScript for example, FirefoxAutofill will not be able to detect the current URL or opened document.

Jesse Ruderman from Mozilla kindly helped us dode autofill support for Firefox 3. For a full list of shortcuts check out our keyboard shortcut overview PDF. If you look at the position of those shortcuts on a US keyboard, you will see that we have chosen them to be in close proximity to one another:. If you have a non-US keyboard layout, then the [ and ] things cultured code forum free might be replaced by other keys, like umlauts for example in the case of a German keyboard:.

The general idea is to keep things cultured code forum free position of the keys the same no matter how those keys are labeled. The first time you launch Things 1. After this things cultured code forum free completed, you will be able to find all fode to-dos and projects via Spotlight. If you double-click the to-do, Things will become the active application and show the actual to-do. When we launched our forums, we spent a significant amount of time and energy trying to get it right.

To make a long story short, приведенная ссылка failed. Today, we are re-launching our forums in an attempt to do better this time. Even though our blog and forums run on different software Wordpress and PhorumCultueed was able to create a beautiful design that unified the way the comment section in our blog and discussion threads in our forum look like.

We cut everything down to the essentials in order to create one of the most uncluttered forum нажмите чтобы узнать больше possible. When we finally launched the forums, we were things cultured code forum free excited. Even though we never источник our forums to be anything else but user forums, we contributed quite a lot to the discussions that thigs emerged. We were happy to see that the forums attracted a number of nice people sharing their experience with using Things.

Anyone who has visited our forums lately will things cultured code forum free most likely noticed that the times have changed. Trying to analyze the situation, I believe we made three mistakes:. Everything else goes to, well, I guess you know where :.

We will be encouraging every thongs of Cultured Code to spend time in the forums. We will be making an effort to arrange our presence such that ideally every day one of us should be around for a while. We will no longer discuss details of future updates or their possible release dates in the forums. Everyone should communicate in a respectful and constructive way.

Our posting rules are little more than an attempt to spell this out in a more detailed way. Nonconforming posts will be deleted things cultured code forum free further notice. We also have some more guidelines, нажмите чтобы перейти neglecting those will not entail as harsh a consequence. Please read the full text here: Posting Rules and Guidelines. More than a week ago, we took the old forums offline.

The reason being things cultured code forum free we wanted to bring as many topics over to the new forums as possible. Since then, we foruj been /27251.txt sorting existing topics into the new forums. This process will likely continue for some time. We hope that our Forums 2. Come and join the discussion We are often asked about our plans for the future, and we would indeed love to discuss our plans in great detail.

But there are so many reasons why it is in fact not such a good idea to publish detailed roadmaps. Today, I still would like to share a bit fref what we are working on, while leaving a few secrets in the dark.

After all, everybody enjoys a little surprise every now and then, right? Our things cultured code forum free release, Things 1. Version 1. Without going into the details here, let me just mention that 1. You might ask: "Why did those Cultured guys all of a sudden deem keyboard support that important?

After version 1. The reason being that we will have more developer resources available to us! This things cultured code forum free that we will be thinge longer doing one feature xode a time.

Instead, different development threads or goals will be followed simultaneously. Forthcoming articles will have more background on the extraordinary talent на этой странице were able tthings attract. Here are our priorities for the next releases: Over-the-air syncperformancebug fixeseasier collaborationmixed projectsand better communication of how dates work.

Let's flesh this out in a little more detail Believe it rorum not, we have been working on over-the-air sync since the beginning of this year.



Frequently Asked Questions - Things Support.Things 3 Review: Is This To-Do List App Really Worth It?


It keeps things simple with just one view. If you like the simple approach but prefer to arrange your tasks on a kanban board, check out our Trello review. The only way they can access your data is if they get access to your machine.

To learn more about how people can access your information, read our article on Edward Snowden and government surveillance. If you use the Things cloud to share data between devices, it uses encryption such as Transport Layer Security TLS for data in transit and at rest. Read our description of encryption for more on that. To learn what you can do to manage your privacy, read our online privacy guide. Things is easy to download and run. You just download the app and open it.

The first time you use Things, it welcomes you with a brief tour of its features and offers to create an introductory project for you. The introductory project has several lists of tasks to work through. The first takes you around the basics of the application and the others show you more advanced, optional features. Like most task management applications, the basics are basic and the extras are more advanced, but Things is a no-frills tool.

The controls are on the small side. Everything works well, but there were occasionally issues. The calendar failed to appear at one point while following the tutorial, for example. Things takes the old-fashioned approach to software ownership.

You pay a one-time fee to own the app outright. The iOS versions are much better value. It is quite hard to get stuck in Things, but if you manage it, plenty of support is offered.

It takes you to a contact form. We tried asking about two-factor authentication and got a response after five hours. Things is easy to use and has great support.

Mac owners looking for software with more depth can read our best project management software for Mac article. Because the Cloudwards. Each article that we fact check is analyzed for inaccuracies so that the published content is as accurate as possible. You can tell that an article is fact checked with the Facts checked by symbol, and you can also see which Cloudwards. However, providers frequently change aspects of their services, so if you see an inaccuracy in a fact-checked article, please email us at feedback[at]cloudwards[dot]net.

Please enter your email address. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Register now and start to ask your questions or share your knowledge with your community and friends with answering their questions.

Earn points for trustability. In macOS The easiest way to get to this folder is:. Now that you have a selection in the list, there are all sorts of things you can do. Even with a small handful of shortcuts, you already have a lot of power:. Comments Reply 1 of 7. December 25, PM. I use MindNode. The application could do lots of little things better but is a very useful tool and borders on being fun to use. Ideas go down quickly visually and when revisited sometime later present my then thought stream quickly and accurately.

Tabbed windows are a nice feature that keep many separate thought streams quickly to hand. Reply 2 of 7. December 26, AM. So these are programs for interacting with other people. What about programs for self, like drawing?


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